Friday, September 6, 2013

Start Close In Styling wants YOU!

 Start Close In Styling wants YOU!

Hi! This is how I showed up to meet a client friend at the mall to shop. She didn't have a ton of money to spend, but she needed to refresh her closet. It had been a long time since she'd gotten herself anything new, and she said that getting dresses in the morning felt "sad." By the end of the day, she felt "like her old self." I almost cried with joy.

So...I'm just going to come out and say this: I want to look in your closet. I want to go shopping with you. I want to Skype, Facetime, or Google Hangout with those of you outside the DC area and have you hold up clothes you love/hate/want to wear more/are sick of the way you're currently wearing/etc. 

A few months ago, I launched this site, and it has not yet become a business for which I am charging. Part of building up my styling portfolio means working with more people to refine my skills. Would you like to be one of those people? I sure hope so! I promise, it's not scary at all!

Here's what I have to offer:

I have a great eye. I am really good at seeing the potential in what you'd like to be dressing like. I'm excellent at looking over what clothes you have (in person or virtually) and chatting with you about how you might wear things in different combinations than you currently are. I'm also, thanks to my Mom, a great bargain shopper and can help you find (or find for you) any clothing items that you might want to fill in the gaps between what you currently own and what you'd like to be dressing like. At the end of our time together, I'd love for you to feel more comfortable in your own skin, more able to quickly get dressed in the morning, and more excited to be YOU.

If you're comfortable with it, I might take pictures of you to include her on my blog or I might just talk about our time together. Of course, I can also skip all of that.

So think about it. Think about if there's anything you'd like to change about how you feel getting dressed for your daily life or for an upcoming event. Then email me, and we'll set something up. It's startclosein at

I can't wait.

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