Thursday, November 28, 2013

Today I am thankful...

Today I am thankful...

For so many things. I'm thankful for my husband, my family, my friends, my job, my dogs...but let's talk about this site because you're here. I'm thankful for the opportunity to talk with you all, for you reading and spreading the word and sharing this page with your friends, for the women who have invited me into their homes-in person or virtually-over the past years, and for the women who inspire my sense of fashion and of SELF-both in person and virtually! My mother for teaching me about fit and pattern and shape and for always pushing me to wear something cooler. She's always about 6-8 months ahead of me and wanting me to wear things that are more and more me before I even know it. I'm thankful to Marian for taking a chance on me to style her and for writing such a beautiful piece about our time together. I'm thankful to Shauna who I've never met but who has inspired me nearly ever day in so many ways over the past year. And to Hannah for her friendship and encouragement and for always being a source of light and love in my life.

And for you. 




And for posts like this full of feelings like these.

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